Rolf, Thank you for letting us join your weekend birding trip to the Greifswald birding sites. Our personal count was 55 birds! Early September was a great time to see the wading birds migrating through.
We appreciate how you made the six of us work to identify the birds! Normally our guides will say, “oh, look! there is a xxxx”. Not you! “Ahh, a new bird for us today. What is it? And how is it different from the Ruff we just saw?”
The best bird for us was the Water Rail and it’s fledgling. Such a rare treat. (and for September too!).
Thanks again for a wonderful day on the coast!
You may see us again as Abby is intrigued with the thought of going on one of your foreign trips.
John & Abby Dux
New York, USA
After a few days of looking around the historical and shopping locations in Berlin, I was keen on exploring nature nearby. I located a birding tour by Rolf Nessing on the Internet and got in touch with him. Quick exchange of eMails, and I was on my way early on a weekday, on a train to Angermunde, about an hour’s ride from Berlin.
Rolf was at the station and we went off on his trusty VW bus after a quick overview on the map of the places we would visit.
Rolf lifelong expertise on birds is very apparent in the way he identifies birds by call, locale and flight. We identified more than 60 species of birds.
We travelled through the day visiting many lakes and forests in the Uckermark area. My best photo opportunities were of Osprey, Yellowhammer and Chiffchaff. A stork nest atop some church ruins was spectacular. Rolf calls this a “Romantic home”!
We had a break for a light lunch at a village cafe with local rhubarb cake and coffee.
The evening was completed with a wonderful ride through some of the most beautiful pine forests some more than 200 years old.
This trip was a very thrilling experience. Rolf’s enthusiasm and expertise made the day.
Thanks Rolf.
S K Nathan, Bangalore, India
Dear Rolf
Many, many thanks for organizing such a wonderful trip for us. We really enjoyed ourselves very much. We were really impressed with the great variety of birds and the excellent views. The storks and cranes really starred. Thanks for identifying all the difficult ones (especially the warblers) – you have an excellent ear!
I attach a list of 75 for the day (I didn’t hear the skylark, but I remember you did); so 74 for me.
We very much enjoyed your company and were very interested to learn about your ‘educational’ work and your overseas ‘nature ‘ trips.
We wish you very success with your Iran trip. I’m sure it will be a great experience.
Please do come and see us in Brighton when you next come to England Lili sends her her thanks and best wishes.
Best wishes
Martin Wilson, UK
Rolf, good afternoon from sunny England –
Kim and I both want to thank you again for the fantastic day we spent with you birding around Prenzlau / Furstenberg. It was a truly remarkable and memorable day for us. We both found you to be a most charming and knowledgeable guide. Please use this e-mail, and the attached list, as a reference, if you would like to.
We saw 16 species that we had never seen before at all, and many others that we had seen only once or twice in the UK. I don’t know what was best, the Lesser Spotted Eagle, or the Storks, or the Icterine Warblers, or the Black Kites, or the Red Necked Grebes, or … the list goes on. For us, it was amazing to be surrounded by Cuckoos, calling and flying; and to see Cranes drifting across the sky. And to be sat having lunch watching a Serin on the roof-top just across the road; and to see an Eagle mobbed by a Crow that looked tiny by comparison … I could go on. We had a day full of fantastic encounters with birds, all in a lovely setting.
Incidentally, on the train back to Berlin, Kim saw a Golden Oriole out of the window.
I was looking in the other direction, which is typical.
Thanks again for all of your efforts for us on our birding day with you.
I can’t imagine a more helpful, friendly, guide.
Sean and Kim, UK
The list, impressive as it is, doesn’t do full justice to the fantastic day we had. For example, we saw 7 different Osprey nests; 2 of the nests were only about 400 metres apart! We were taken to an old abandoned church, the most charming and magical place, where there was a Stork’s nest with chicks. The sky was full of Red Kite and Black Kite. We had fantastic, prolonged, views of Icterene Warbler and Red-Backed Shrike, and were surrounded by Cuckoos!
Rolf is an excellent birding guide. He knows the birds of the Western Palearctic extremely well, including songs and calls, has excellent bird-finding skills, and is intimately familiar with the best birding sites in his home area of Uckermark in northeast Germany (an easy train ride from Berlin). He is very flexible and can tailor the experience to the desires of the client – from ticking as many species as possible to hunting a few target birds to a more leisurely approach. He also speaks excellent English, and is very personable – an easy person to spend a day with.
Highly recommended.
Glen Tepke, Oakland, California, USA
Una mañana muy lluviosa me dirigía desde Berlín hasta Angermünde donde comenzaría una visita para ver aves junto con Rolf Nessing. Al llegar al lugar del encuentro dejó de llover y el día permaneció soleado. Estuvimos buscando Pigargo europeo en la zona de Blumberger Teiche donde vimos un adulto en vuelo.
La siguiente zona a visitar fue Felchow Lake, donde dos pigargos inmaduros se pasearon ante nuestros telescopios, además bandos de avefrías y el canto del pito cano.
En la siguiente zona íbamos a buscar al águila pomerana en Welse-Niederung, una zona amplia de herbazal corto muy propicia para las rapaces, pero únicamente pudimos ver cuervos, ratonero común y cernícalo vulgar. Acompañándonos durante el recorrido, alcaudones dorsirrojos y tarabillas norteñas.
Por último lugar, visitamos unos lagos cerca de Prenzlau, donde vimos cantidad de anátidas y algunos limícolas, además de nueve garcetas grandes y un azor.
He decir que aunque mi ingles es francamente malo, Rolf hizo por entenderme en todo momento y nos comunicamos perfectamente.
Aves observadas: Zampullín común, Somormujo lavanco, Cormorán grande, Garceta común, Garceta grande, garza real, Cigüeña blanca, Ánsar común, Ánade azulón, änade friso, Pato cuchara, Ánade silbón, Cerceta común, Porrón común, Pigargo europeo, Águila pescadora, Milano real, Ratonero común, Azor común, Cernícalo vulgar, Gallineta común, Focha común, Grulla Común, Avefría europea, Andarríos bastardo, Gaviota reidora, Gaviota argentea, Paloma torcaz, Vencejo común, Pito cano, Pico picapinos, Golondrina común, Bisbita común, Lavandera blanca, Chochín, Petirrojo, Tarabilla norteña, Zorzal real, Mirlo común, Mosquitero común, Carbonero común, Herrerillo capuchino, carbonero palustre, Alcaudón dorsirrojo, Cuervo, Estornino pinto, Jilguero, Verderón común, Escribano palustre. Espero no haberme olvidado alguna.
Fernando de Valle, Sevilla, Spain
Dinsdag 31 augustus zijn wij met Rolf op een birdwatching tour geweest inde Uckermark, ten Noorden van Berlijn. Rolf is een heel prettige endeskundige gids. Er zijn een aantal mooie reservaten en nationale parkenin het gebied die zeer de moeite waard zijn om te bezoeken. Een weidslandschap met veel meren, plassen, rietkragen, bossen en ruige akkers iseen mooie setting om vogels te kijken. Wij waren laat in het seizoen, dushebben niet alle soorten gezien die er normaal in de zomer verblijven,maar toch een interessante lijst van observaties!
Hoogtepunten waren de vele kraanvogels, zee-arenden, visarenden, witteooievaars en een mooi plassen-complex metverschillende waterniveau’s langs de Ucker, waar het wemelde van dewatervogels. Waaronder een mooie groep van 6 grote zilverreigers!
Een echte aanrader is het eiland Rugen in de Oostzee, wij zijn daar eenaantal dagen geweest en daar is het zeer goed vogels observeren inprachtige landschappen waar we aanvullend op de soorten die we in deUckermark hebben gezien, ook kleine vliegenvangers, grauwe klauwieren enreuzensterns hebben gezien.
Bauke & Andreas, NL
Met Rolf ben ik op 18-10-2010 een dag op stap gegaan in de buurt van Angermunde en Prenzlau ten oosten van Berlijn. We hadden heel mooi weer en hebben een mooie verzameling vogels gezien. Verschillende soorten (7 waaronder de Klapekster) had ik nog niet eerder gezien. Rolf weet veel van de vogels in de buurt en van de natuur en het milieu in het algemeen. Hij een heel prettige persoon om een dag mee op stap te gaan. Ook is de omgeving waar we waren divers en leuk om te doorkruisen. Het is een afwisseling van bosschages, water en landbouwgebied.
Absoluut hoogtepunt van de dag waren de +- 1080 Kraanvogels die we tegenkwamen aan het einde van de dag!! Alles bij elkaar een memorabele dag waarvoor dank Rolf! Tip is om een vogelboekje mee te nemen in verband met de verschillende talen.
Jeroen, NL
On June 28th we went on our 2nd Uckermark Birding Tour with Rolf. Like the
1st time in 2010, it was a very interesting and successful day of birding.
Rolf has great knowledge of the birds in this area and about the ecology
of the region in general.
We visited beautiful ponds lined with
reedbeds. Highlights were the Red-necked Grebes (including a chick), Black
necked Grebes, Icterine Warblers and Ospreys (including great views of the
Next we visited some sites in the Schorfheide Chorin Biosphere reserve, a
beautiful reserve with many lakes, ponds, forests and fields. Highlights
there were a pair of Honey Buzzards, Cranes, Yellowhammer, Lesser
Whitethroath and our first ever sighting of a Lesser Spotted Eagle. Rolf
knows their breeding sites in the area and we viewed them form a hilltop
circling above the forest.
The evening we spent at a beautiful area which we didn’t visit before:
a part of the Uckermark lakes reserve. This former
military area is now a regenerated and protected nature area. It features
forests, lakes and streams lined with extensive reedbeds and a beautiful
heathland. Beavers build their dams and burroughs in the streams and we
saw lots of signs of them around the river. The area was very quiet and
had an almost Scandinavian feel to it. Lots of highlights here including:
Osprey, Crane, Goldeneyes, Woodcock, Savi’s- and Great Reed Warblers,
Golden Orioles, Woodlarks, Crested Tits, Red-backed Shrikes, a family of 4
Great Grey Shrikes and a Family of 4 Hoopoes!
It was a great day, with over 65 species seen and we will surely be back
for another Tour when we visit Berlin again.
Bauke and Andreas, the Netherlands
A Day of Birding in the Havelland.
At the Gransee rail station just 40 minutes north of Berlin, Germany, I was greeted by Rolf Nessing a Birder, Environmentalist and Bird Bander. When Rolf greeted me, he was carrying a small sack. Inside the sack were a Siskin and a Bullfinch that he had recently netted and banded. We looked closely at these birds and then Rolf gently released them back into the wild.
Afterwards we drove with his van through the small towns and villages in the region just north and west of Berlin known as Havelland. Rolf was very successful in pointing out the birds as we drove along, often stopping to get a closer look. Whether it was a walk in the woods, stopping to look at the fields or even stopping at the edge of towns, Rolf had a keen sense as to the birds whereabouts. He educated me about the sounds of many birds and the bird I particularly enjoyed hearing was the Yellowhammer . This bird’s singing inspired Beethoven’s introduction to his 5th Symphony.
Later we drove to the Fish Ponds at Lincum where I was able to see Great Crested Grebes, Jays, Swans, Ducks, several Tits,
Skylarks and the Great Spotted Woodpecker. In addition, there were approximately a thousand Common Cranes foraging for food in the fields of the Havelland. We saw even more feathered friends visiting the Havelland lakes and Untere Havel Nord (Nature Park West Havelland, a large nature preserve). This area was rich in bird life with a good number of Red Kites, White-tailed Eagles and several varieties of ducks and geese in large flocks. We also saw great numbers of Lapwings, Reed Buntings and Mute and Whooper Swans. This was definitely a beautiful place for birding and peace.
By the end of my tour we saw 51 species of birds. Rolf made it possible to have a wonderful day in nature. He is a first class birder and advocate for the land. If you are looking for an expert birder and adventure close to Berlin, Germany, Rolf is your guy.
I give Rolf Nessing my highest recommendation.
Thomas Haase, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Dear Rolf,
Thank you very much for a highly appreciated day of birding. My parent told me that they both enjoyed your trip very much. My father was very much impressed with your enthousiasm and knowledge of birds and birding. My mother liked the chance to see the surrounding and nature in the Berlin area, as they enjoyed to visit the city as well. Thanks a lot for helping us with giving my parents a present for their both 60th birthday they will remember.
With kind regards,
Bjorn Timmer,
The Netherlands
I had a fabulous day bird watching with Rolf. It was my first time birdwatching from North America andI didn’t know what to expect. Well, the birding spots were beautiful and despite the fact that it was in the “quiet birding season”, we still saw and heard plenty. I encountered at least 60 different species. (I personally had 33 lifers that day, and I know some got by me.) Rolf is a great ambassador for the flora and fauna of the area and is most impressive with his knowledge and ability to spot raptors!
Thanks Rolf
Jillien Hankewich
Cedar Rapids, IA USA
Coming from the UK and visiting Berlin in early September I knew that there would only be a handful of birds that I am not so familiar with and that the birds would be quieter and some would already have moved on for the winter. That said, Rolf still managed to lay on a great day’s birding. Rolf knows the birdcalls very well (but for the call, the Short-Toed Treecreeper seems pretty much identical to the Treecreeper we have in the UK) and took me on a great tour of the Uckermark region visiting a variety of habitats. Rolf worked incredibly hard (and successfully) to find some Lesser Spotted Eagles during which time we saw more White-Tailed Eagles than I had ever seen in my life. I hope to be able to get back to Berlin earlier in the year to see more of the warblers but can highly recommend Rolf should anyone else wish to find a guide while in his part of the world.
Ed Champness
Jag vill varmt rekommendera Rolf Nessing som guide till fågelintresserade som önskar besöka Tysklands fågellokaler. Jag hade nöjet att tillbringa en kylig aprildag med Rolf i Havelländisches Luch, där vi utöver storkar, tranor och trädkrypare också såg mängder av gäss, änder och rovfåglar. Mitt huvudintresse var dock att få se stortrapp som är en stor attraktion inom området. Mina önskemål infriades med råge, vi såg mellan 20 och 30 fåglar sammanlagt och jag var antagligen lika fascinerad av hannarnas spel som jag föreställer mig att stortrappshonorna är.
Rolf är en erfaren och mycket kunnig guide med synbart stort intresse för natur och fåglar. Att uppleva fågellivet i Tyskland i Rolfs sällskap var både lärorikt och angenämt.
Anna Maria Carlsson, Sverige
This is to warmly recommend Rolf Nessing as guide for birders who want to visit birding spots in Germany. I had the pleasure to spend a chilly day in April with Rolf in Havelländisches Luch, where we, in addition to storks, cranes, treecreepers, also saw large numbers of geese, ducks and raptors. My main interest, however, was to see the Great Bustards, for which this area is famous. My wish was fulfilled more than well, we saw all together between 20 and 30 birds, and I was probably as fascinated by the display of the males as the female birds might be.
Rolf is an experienced and very knowledgeable guide whose interest in nature and birds is evident. Birding in Germany together with Rolf was both an instructive and a pleasurable experience.
Anna Maria Carlsson, Sweden
We particularly enjoyed the views of numerous warblers, barred and marsh to name a few and the active nest of penduline tits. Nice seeing the great crested grebe toting her stripy young. The two separate views of White-tail Eagles, especially the scoped view of the perched adult were superb. The countryside was pleasant as were the villages we passed through. A wonderful break from bustling Berlin and an easy train journey.
David Borthwick, UK
I’m a serious birder who has taken extensive birding tours throughout the world, and I have experienced many good guides. My day in mid-June with Rolf was a very fruitful adventure. Since I was mainly going after a few target birds, I very much appreciated Rolf’s detailed knowledge of birdsong, habitat, and distribution in his area. He put together a full day’s itinerary that would maximize the chances of seeing the birds I was hoping for. When we didn’t have luck in one area, Rolf had several back-up areas and worked diligently to try to ensure success. The target birds included Barred warbler, Thrush nightingale, White-tailed sea eagle, and Black woodpecker. Rolf was friendly, flexible, energetic, and dedicated to his craft. If you’re visiting Berlin and want to do some birding outside the city, I would highly recommend Rolf.
Thanks again,
Nick Qickert, Canada
On a recent trip to Europe I spent a week in Berlin and spent two days of these birding with Rolf. As this was only my second trip to Europe there were quite a few other species which could be new, especially those which were near the western extremes of their ranges (especially my most hoped-for target species- Great Bustard), but I was happy to see any birds as it’s a long time between European trips for me. We spent the first day in the Uckermark, where I met Rolf at a nearby train station. The weather was cool and wet with light rain which soon became heavier and didn’t stop the whole day. All birders know that they what you see is a matter of chance and bad weather doesn’t help, so I had lowered my expectations. Yet it’s a true testament to Rolf’s skill as a birder and a guide that this still stands out as one of the best day’s birding of my trip – while the overall abundance and diversity were probably lower than could be expected in better weather, we managed to see many of the species that I’d hoped to find. As soon as we opened the car door at the first location Rolf pointed out the call of River Warbler, a rare species in this area which I soon saw. This was followed shortly afterward by Barred Warbler, another species at the western edge of its range. Rolf’s knowledge of the local area was extensive; coupled with his outstanding knowledge of calls this meant that we found birds in situations where it would have seemed impossible given the weather as the birds were hardly moving and if there had been any movement it would have been very hard to spot it in the rain. We visited a number of sites across a variety of habitats, seeing a variety of birds along the way. Given Rolf’s talents I can only wonder at what else we would have found in better weather. Along with the River Warbler, I’d have to rank the last bird of the day – Red-necked Grebe – as the equal best, but the White Stork at the ruined church and the Common Cranes in the fields were also high contenders.
We followed with another great trip two days later to Havelland, where Black Woodpecker was one of the first birds of the day in forest (excellent). Despite the fact that it was not the season for displaying and they should have been harder to find, soon after arriving at Havellandisches Luch we saw a group of 6 Great Bustards from the road at quite close range, followed by unbelievably good views of two others from one of the observation hides, one resting on a track in the sun barely 100m away. This had been an unforgettable experience. Recent flooding had prevented us from visiting our planned final sites, and a number of routes near the Gulpersee were likewise closed, but we still ended off with great views of a singing male Ortolan Bunting in a tree which capped off an amazing day of birding.
Thanks Rolf for an awesome birding experience! I could not recommend Rolf more highly – he is simply an amazing and knowledgeable guide, seriously one of the best I’ve ever been with. He’s also an entertaining and thoroughly likeable person with whom to spend the day. If you have the chance to go birding with him, do it – you’d be missing out if you don’t!
F. Hemmings, Sydney, Australia
e Wuche Berlin isch sehr schön. Vill schöner no, wenn mer ein Tag
devoo, mit em Rolf Nessing ir Umgäbig de Vögel nohgoht.
In Beetz Sommerfeld sind mir vom Rolf abgholt worde mit sim Büssli und
aagsait isch gsii Havellandtour.
Nöd wiit sind mer gfahre gsii bis zur erschte Gruppe Kranich wo
gemächlich uf emene abgerntete Fäld Fueter gsuecht händ. Eine isch
beringt gsii und mir händ chönne s richtige Abläse vo de Farbe und
Beschriftig üebe. Ahand vom Ring het spöter de Rolf öis no chönne
mitteile, dass de Kranich im 99 beringt worden isch und jewiils in
Spanie oder Frankriich überwintered.
Im ganze Tag sind mir vo einem Hotspot zum andere gfahre;
die schönschte Momänt sind gsii
föif Grosstrappe ir Landschaft z entdecke: es juvenils und vier Wiibli,
ganzi Fälder volle Kiebitze,
es Rohrweihe Paar und no e wiiblichi Rohrweihe am rupfe vo sinere Büüti,
Bi der untere Havel en juvenile Habicht,
zwei no bsetzti Rauchschwalbenäschter imene hide – de Rolf het
sorgfältig die junge usegnoh und mir hend gseh, dass si nonig flügge
sind ( am 6. September! )
Grüenschänkel, Kampfläufer, Sandrägepfiifer und grossi Brachvögel
en Raubwürger und 2 Nüüntöter
Dezue Stockänte, Krickänte, Schnatteränte, Löffelänte, Pfiifänte,
Lachmöwe, Steppemöwe, Kormoran, Schwarzstorch, Silberreiher,
Zwertaucher, Huubetaucher, Rotmilan, Möisebussarde,
Sperber,Ringeltuube, Türketuube, Buntspächt, Iisvogel, Schafstelze,
Fäldlerche , Gartebaumlöifer, Zilpzalp, Büütelmeise, Blaumeise, Dohle,
Näbelchräie, Kolkrabe, Fäldspatze, Buechfink, Distefinke.
Ganz am Schluss bim Gülper See no öppe 4000 Graugäns wo sich scho am
sammle gsii sind, debii no Churzschnabelgans und e Tundrasaatgans.
Der Seeadler het der Abschluss gmacht.
Das isch en schöne Tag gsii, dank em Rolf mit sim schnälle Aug und
sim fiine Ohr!
Helena Lüthy, Schweiz
Tuve el privilegio de poder conocer una parte del Havelland en compañía de mi hermana Helena y la conducción de Rolf quien con sus conocimientos profundos de las aves de la región (que mi hermana ya enumeró con mucha eficacia), pude admirar las grullas y los Grosstrappen (Avutarda) en sus lugares de alimentación, que luego volví a ver en el apartado de aves en amenaza de extinción en el museo de Ciencias Naturales de Berlín. Impresionante el lago de Gülpen con sus 4000 gansos, además de todas las que no conocía, algunas similares a las que también tenemos en nuestro país, Argentina. Rolf amenizo sus explicaciones con comentarios sobre la historia de la región y la idiosincrasia de la gente. La zona me llamó a recordar nuestras pampas por la extensión de cultivos entrecortados por montes de distintos tamaños.
Un viaje inolvidable para repetir, especialmente por la amabilidad, el entusiasmo, la atención que Rolf mostró en todo momento.
Ines Tassier, Buenos Aires, Argentina
We spent a day in May 2015 with Rolf travelling around the Lower Oder region and had a great time. Despite the weather being unseasonably cool and dull we saw over 80 species including some spectacular ones, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Golden Oriole, Reedlings (Bearded Tits) as well as lots of raptors, warblers, Black Terns and many more. Rolf is extraordinarily good at recognising birdsong and is very sharp at spotting birds. We saw and heard over 70 bird species with him and were delighted with our day.
Michael Ryan
We wanted to thank you for the wonderful day which you organised for us on Sunday. We thought that you provided us with a wide variety of birds and the climax of the cranes coming into roost against that fantastic sunset was something which we will not forget – especially as we have at least a hundred photos to remind us!
Andrea and Martin (GB)
Hem tingut la sort de passar tres dies de finals de maig de 2016 amb en Rolf Nessing observant ocells a prop de Berlín. Diem que ha estat una sort perquè hem pogut veure gairebé tots els ocells que li vam dir que ens agradaria veure i, a més, amb observacions de bona o molt bona qualitat, fins i tot quan es tractava d’ocells difícils de trobar. Ell diu amb raó que la natura no és un zoo i que mai hi ha un 100% de probabilitat de veure l’ocell desitjat; però hem pogut comprovar en primera persona que el Rolf treballa fort perquè trobem tots els ocells que volem veure. Hem vist que ho aconsegueix perquè té un gran coneixement de la zona així com dels hàbits i els cants dels ocells i, per què no dir-ho?, una oïda molt fina que li permeten trobar l’ocell buscat en un mar de “songs” i “calls” com són els boscos i camps de Brandenburg a la primavera.
D’altra banda, el seu tracte és sempre cordial i pacient, prioritzant les nostres “necessitats” i “dèries” pròpies d’ornitòlegs afamats de fer bimbos.
Jo el vaig conèixer l’estiu de 2015. Vaig fer un viatge familiar a Berlín i vam decidir contractar-lo durant un dia perquè ens ensenyés zones naturals a prop de la ciutat. Cal dir que la combinació de “Berlín + natura a Brandenburg” va resultar una fórmula perfecta per a un ornitòleg amb família. Tanmateix, com que el mes d’agost no és el més apropiat per buscar ocells petits em va recomanar que tornés a la primavera. I això és el que hem fet.
Entre la llista d’ocells que hem vist ens agrada destacar: Aquila pomerina, Haliaeetus albicilla, Sylvia nisoria, Sylvia curruca, Acrocephalus palustris, Carpodacus erythrinus, Luscinia luscinia, Podiceps griseigena, Locustella fluviatilis, Bucephala clangula, Dendrocopos medius, Hippolais icterina, Certhia familiaris i Poecile montanus. El total d’espècies d’ocells que hem vist ha estat de 119.
Recomanem l’experiència.
Vielen Dank, Rolf!
Xavier Aute, Cèsar Castel i Marc Noguera
Hemos tenido la suerte de pasar tres días de finales de mayo de 2016 con Rolf Nessing observando aves cerca de Berlín. Decimos que ha sido una suerte porque hemos podido ver casi todos los pájaros que le comentamos que nos gustaría ver y además con observaciones de buena o muy buena calidad; incluso cuando se trataba de aves difíciles de encontrar. Él dice con razón que la naturaleza no es un zoo y que nunca existe un 100% de probabilidad de ver el pájaro deseado pero hemos podido comprobar en primera persona que Rolf trabaja fuerte para que lo podamos encontrar. Lo consigue porque tiene un gran conocimiento de la zona así como de los hábitos y los cantos de los pájaros y, ¿por qué no decirlo?, un oído muy fino que le permite encontrar el pájaro buscado en un mar de “songs” y “calls” como son los bosques y campos de Brandenburgo en primavera.
Por otro lado, su trato es siempre cordial y paciente priorizando nuestras “necesidades” propias de ornitólogos con muchas ganas de bimbar.
Yo le conocí en verano de 2015. Hice un viaje familiar a Berlín y decidimos contratarlo durante un día para que nos enseñase zonas naturales cerca de la ciudad. Cabe decir que la combinación de “Berlín + naturaleza en Brandenburgo” resultó una fórmula perfecta para un ornitólogo con familia. Sin embargo, dado que el mes de agosto no es el más apropiado para buscar pájaros pequeños, me recomendó que volviera en primavera. Y eso es lo que he hecho.
Entre la lista de aves que hemos visto nos gusta destacar: Aquila pomerina, Haliaeetus albicilla, Sylvia nisoria, Sylvia curruca, Acrocephalus palustris, Carpodacus erythrinus, Luscinia luscinia, Podiceps griseigena, Locustella fluviatilis, Bucephala clangula, Dendrocopos medius, Hippolais icterina, Certhia familiaris i Poecile montanus. El total de especies de aves que hemos visto ha sido de 119.
Recomendamos la experiencia.
Vielen Dank, Rolf!
Xavier Aute, Cèsar Castel i Marc Noguera
Abbiamo avuto il piacere di passare una giornata con Rolf Nessing nella Uckermark, un’area di interesse ornitologico agibilmente raggiungibile da Berlino.Rolf é venuto a prenderci a Lychen, ci ha guidati attraverso boschi, bassipiani e laghi e ci ha mostrato numerose specie di uccelli lacustri e rapaci tra cui anche l’aquila di mare e un falco pescatore ormai cresciuto che non voleva lasciare in nido.Il canto dell’avérla piccola ci ha accompagnati in molte tappe della nostra escursione.Uno dei momenti piú emozionanti é stato visitare il Grimnitzsee e vedere pavoncelle, folaghe e oche selvatiche muoversi in gruppi compatti per confondere l’aquila di mare che le osservava dalla riva opposta.Un’esperienza indimenticabile é stata sicuramente l’avvistamento del nibbio bianco (Elanus caeruleus ), probabilmente l’unico esemplare presente nell’Europa settentrionale! Pare che questo esemplare abbia perso la rotta e stia „raccogliendo le idee“ appollaiato sopra un albero di sambuco nella Uckermark…Grazie, Rolf!Saluti e alla prossima Felicia e Mauricio, Italia e Argentina
We met Rolf at the small station of Beetz Sommerfeld, an hour NW of Berlin, for a day’s birding around the plains and wetlands of Havelland.
Over a very enjoyable day we saw and heard close to 70 species. Highlight of the day for us was watching a flock of 30 Great Bustard take off and fly directly at the tower hide we were in. For Rolf it was seeing a Ring Ouzel, a scarce species in Havelland.
Rolf has an enviable eye and ear for the birds and is an enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable guide – no better man for a very pleasant and productive day’s birding! We hope to meet up again in the Autumn.
Bhuaileamar le Rolf ag an stáisiún beag i mBeetz Sommerfeld, uair an chloig iar thuaidh ó Bheirlín i gcomhair lá iomlán chun breathnú ar éin timpeall machairí Havelland.
Thar lá taitneamhach chonaiceamar agus chualamar timpeall seacht rannóg éin éagsúla. Ba é buaicphointe an lae gan dabht ná ag féachaint ar chiorcalán de thríocha Bustard Mór ag gluaiseacht agus ag eitilt díreach go dtí an túr ina rabhamar lonnaithe. Cheap Rolf gurbh é an rannóg éin, Lon Creige a fheiceáil buaicphointe an lae dó mar is annamh a fheictear an t-éan seo.
Tá súil agus cluas ghéar ag Rolf agus is treoraí dícheallach agus eolach é. Níl duine níos fearr ná é chun lá taitneamhach a chaitheamh ag faire ar na héin. Le cúnamh Dé táimid ag súil le bualadh le chéile arís san fhómhair.
Brian & Renée
My wife and I and 2 birding friends travelled to Berlin in late April 2017 for a 3 day birding trip with Rolf Nessing- and he certainly delivered the goods!
On day 1, we visited wetland habitat, seeing penduline and long- tailed tit-(the white- headed sub species), numerous warblers including reed and great reed, fleeting views of bearded reedling and then a plethora of raptors, including osprey, hobby and marsh harrier- and later, white tailed eagle.
Abundant waterfowl followed, including garganey, gadwall and red- necked grebe, as well as the usual more common birds. As we gazed out of the hides, viewing yellow wagtails, yellowhammers and corn buntings, while listening to nightingale song, we had to duck to avoid swallows returning to their nests around us.
Our accomodation that night was clean, comfortable and reasonably- priced with good and plentiful food.
The second day, we visited woodland habitat and again the birding was spectacular with pied flycatcher, hen harrier, great grey shrike and crested tit to start, followed by wood warbler, hawfinch, 4 species of woodpecker including greater and middle spotted, green and black, and then both gold- and firecrest. Tree- nesting peregrine, osprey and white tailed eagle followed.
As if that wasn’t enough, on day 3, Rolf drove us to the airport, taking in lesser spotted eagle and nesting goshawk en route!
I cannot recommend Rolf more highly as a bird guide: he is extremely knowledgeable, has a great ear for birdsong and is wonderfully kind and considerate.
John Chester
Rolf Nessing’e,
3 Temmuzda Uckermak bölgesinde yaptığımız kuş gözlem turu için bir kez daha teşekkür etmek istedim. Beklediğimden çok iyi geçti. Kuş dolu çok hareketli ve son derece eğlenceli bir gündü. Gün sonunda 70’den fazla tür saydım, ama siz benden fazla birkaç tür daha görmüştünüz diye hatırlıyorum, o yüzden toplam sayı belki 80’nin üzerindedir!
Ben beklediğim 6 türden 5’ini gördüm. Favorim sanırım Ağaç Kamışçını idi. Başta bizi çok zorladı çünkü hiç ötmedi fakat uzun bir süre pes etmeden aradıktan sonra bu ürkek türü bir çalının üstünde açıkta öterken görmek inanılmazdı! Beklediğimden çok daha iyi görüntüler elde ettim. Bunun dışında oyuncak ördek gibi sesler çıkarak öten Sarı Mukallit ve yavrularıyla dolaşan Kızıl Boyunlu Batağanlar da çok güzeldi. Son anda gördüğümüz Balık Kartalı yuvası da benim için unutulmazlar arasında yerini aldı.
Bu günün beni gördüğümüz kuşlardan daha memnun eden tarafı ise sizin uzman rehberliğiniz ve dostça tavırlarınız oldu. Kuş seslerini ve ötüşlerini çok iyi bilmeniz ve gezdiğimiz alanda kuşları elinizle bulmuş gibi koymanız çok etkileyici ve yardımcıydı. Ayrıca bahsettiğim gibi son derece yardımsever, rahat ve arkadaş canlısıydınız. Hiçbir zaman yüzünüzden gülümseme eksik olmadı. Sizin yanınızda çok eğlendim. Hem bilginizden ve anılarınızda yararlandım hem de arkadaşlığınız sayesinde çok rahat ve mutlu bir gün geçirdim. Bence günün en iyi tarafı sizi tanımam oldu.
Beraber gittiğimiz diğer iki bayana da teşekkür etmek isterim. Onlarla da çok eğlendim. Ayrıca çok yardımcı oldular. Hedef türlerimden bazıları onlar için sıradan türler olmasına rağmen hep benimle beraber aradılar.
Kısacası benim için çok güzel eğitici bir gün oldu. Babam da çok eğlenmiş ve sizi çok sevmiş. Umarım bir zaman yine tekrarlama şansı buluruz.
Sevgiler, saygılar
Kuzey Cem Kulaçoğlu.
Thank you for our fantastic birding trip to the Havelland region. It was a perfect day. You met us at the train station as promised, and I estimate that we drove probably about 100 km visiting several great birding sites. We really appreciate your great scope, your skill in bird finding and identification, and all the knowledge that you have to share. Being inexperienced in Europe, I still need to learn more of the calls, and you gave me a head start. The tips on identification of gulls and geese are really helpful. After entering sightings into eBird, my statistics are 64 species for the day, of which 38 were my first German sightings, 23 were my first European sightings, and 9 were world first sightings. It really helps to go with someone who knows where the birds are. On my own, just going there, there is no way I would have succeeded in figuring so many out. I’m attaching my list. I may have missed some – especially as we started out the new sightings were coming so fast that it is likely that I missed some. Even though it is too late in the season to see storks, the stork nests were a great thrill for my wife. John AndersonReno, Nevada
I joined Rolf on a half-day Goshawk search in late February in a very cold Berlin. He made clear arrangements about meeting and everything was on time. Rolf knew his way around and was quickly able to locate some Goshawks, including a breeding pair and their nest. They were unusually relaxed near people despite the fact that many people walk and cycle these tracks every day. Most do not even see these birds or know they’re there. It helps also that no-one is shooting at them. Unless it’s a camera of course!
Rolf is very knowledgeable about birds but kept us focused on the Goshawks. He provided a Scope and had recordings of Goshawks and allowed us plenty of time to observe, and take photos if we wanted.
I will happily join further birding outings with Rolf and will look forward to that very much.
David O´Brien
We had a few days in Berlin for vacation in early October and wanted to spend one day birding the Berlin area. I found Rolf’s website and was really glad I did. We took the train to meet Rolf and as we were making introductions on the platform, he was pointing out a male European Stonechat. A life bird within two minutes of meeting! His enthusiasm and knowledge was evident from the start and we were in for a great day. The weather was perfect although perhaps a bit hot for Germany (but we are from Florida so no worries for us!)
We saw close to 75 different species over a variety of different habitats throughout the day. Highlights of the day included Grey Wagtail, Gray Partridge, White-tailed Eagle, Red Crossbill, Bearded Reedling (beautiful but short looks), Corn Bunting, Common Greenshank, Red Kite, Ferruginous Duck and of course the Great Bustard. Rolf worked incredibly hard to find the Great Bustard!! We visited each of the main areas and finally found this elusive bird at the last site. The theme for the day seemed to be great albeit short looks at a wide variety of birds. A big lake was a fantastic last spot and you could spend the entire day at this site. Very peaceful and the number of birds was incredible.
I would highly recommend Rolf on any birding trip. He is a great conversationalist, has a great sense of humor, and very patient and gracious with his knowledge.Thanks again Rolf and hope our paths cross again in the future!
Mike and Alyssa, Tampa, Florida USA
الأستاذ رولف،
قضيت ٨ ساعات معه، و شفنا اعداد كبيرة من العقاب و الصقور.
رجل طيب، و عبقري. لازم تخبروه أي نوع من طير تبي تشوف مقدما.
Thank Mr. Rolf for the wonderful trip and amazing birding skills you taught me,
Also I would highly recommend you to others, and make sure they plan in advance on what they want to see.
Omar Al Barwani, Oman
Baie dankie Rolf vir ‘n besonderse voëlkyk-ervaring. Dis ‘n voorreg om ‘n professionele integrering van kennis van onder andere voëlgeluide, -habitat en die omgewing saam met jou te beleef en hoe jy dit toepas om die voëls uit te wys.
Jou bedagsaamheid en entoesiasme vir wat jy doen, het gesorg vir ‘n aangename ervaring, ondanks die uiters gure weersomstandighede.
‘n Gerieflike, toepaslike voertuig en puik Engels – asook die tuisgemaakte warm koffie- het net bygedra tot baie goeie herinneringe.
Suid-Afrikaanse groete
Corné en Christa Thirion (January 2019)
During a short trip to Berlin we decided to spend a day out of the city and contacted Rolf, per a friend’s recommendation. Rolf was very accommodating, attentive to our preferences, and most importantly – enthusiastic and incredibly knowledgeable about birds. We had an amazing, full day of exploring different habitats and experiencing the local birds at their best – during breeding season.
Thank you Rolf, we learned so much from you, and we will gladly recommend a birding trip with you to our friends!
Hila, Tomer and Noga (Israel)
כחלק מחופשה בברלין החלטנו לצאת ליום אחד מחוץ לעיר כדי לחוות קצת צפרות מקומית, ובעקבות המלצה חמה יצרנו קשר עם רולף. בילינו יחד יום שלם של צפרות מגוונת בבתי גידול שונים, ובעונת הקינון המדהימה. רולף היה קשוב לתחומי העניין שלנו, וסייע באדיבות בכל מה שצריך מבחינת התמצאות והגעה. היה תענוג לבלות איתו את היום, ולשמוע וללמוד מאיש טבע נלהב, ידען ודידקטי כמוהו על צפרות וטבע בגרמניה. נשארנו עם טעם של עוד ואנחנו ממליצים על החוויה בחום!
הלה, תומר ונגה
Rolfin lintuhavainnointikierros oli erittäin informatiivinen ja olimme onnekkaita sillä pääsimme näkemään useita erilajisia lintuja kierroksemme aikana. Lintuhavainnointipäivä oli hyvin vietetty päivä sillä opimme lisää hyödyllisiä vinkkejä lintujen havainnointiin. Rolf oli erittäin avulias neuvoineen kuinka tunnistaa eri lintulajeja ja mihin meidän kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota lintuja havainnoidessa. Hän myös lainasi tällä reissulla meille erilliset kiikarit sillä emme olleet ottaneet omiamme mukaan. Rolf pystyi kertomaan paljon eri lintulajeista ja paikoista joista niitä kannattaa koettaa havainnoida ympäri Berliiniä. Lopuksi hän antoi meille myös hyviä vinkejä ja neuvoja muistiinpanojen tekemisen suhteen ja eri lintulaulujen ja kutsujen tunnistamisen avusta koettaessa tunnistaa eri lintuja. Suosittelisin lintuhavainnointikierrosta Rolfin kanssa jos aiot käydä matkalla Berliinissä ja sen ympäristössä.Niko LevikariRolf’s bird tour was very informative and we were lucky to spot several species of birds. It was a well spend day to develop further at bird watching. Rolf was very helpful with his guidance for recognising various birds and what to look for with different types of bird species and also borrowed binoculars as we did not have any taken separately for the this trip. He is very knowledgeable about the various species and regarding locations where to spot them. He also provided us with good advice regarding making notes (points of focus) and also how important it is to develop familiarity with various bird calls/songs to identify birds in the surroundings. I would recommend a bird tour with Rolf if you are planning to visit Berlin and its surroundings.Niko Levikari
Eu e a minha parceira encontramos o Rolf Nessing através do Birding Pal, e ele organizou uma viagem de um dia para irmos ver aves de inverno na área de Berlim. O Rolf, experto em aves e onde as encontrar, levou-nos na sua carrinha a visitar varias paisagens. Encontrámos bastantes aves e aprendemos bastante acerca delas com o Rolf. Não só o Rolf é um experiente guia é também uma pessoa bem porreira com quem passar o dia.
Recomendamos bastante!
Francisco Petrucci
Vienas Įdomiausių būdų praleisti savaitgalį gamtoje netoli Berlyno – paukščių stebėjimas. Mes norėjome pamatyti paukščius liekančius žiemoti Vokietijoje. Rolf yra nuostabus gidas galintis pateikti išsamios informacijos apie skirtingų paukščių rūšis, jų išvaizdą ir įpročius. Mes pamatėme niekad nematytus paukščius! Rolf taip pat įkvėpė mus pradėti stebėjimus savarankiškai namuose! Mes būtinai norime pakartoti turą pavasarį ar vasarą!
Gotautė Kalmatavičiūtė
Trotz Corona hat es Rolf möglich gemacht, mit uns beiden passionierten Birdern eine tolle Zweitagestour durch die Uckermark zu organisieren. Wir haben uns morgens gegen 8 Uhr getroffen und beobachteten als erste Top-Spezies eine Gruppe von etwa 50 Seidenschwänzen an einem idyllischen See. Sie haben sich satt gefressen an ihrer Lieblingsspeise, den Beeren der Laubholzmistel. Für Ende April eine absolute Sensation, normalerweise erwartet man diese Vögel schon längst in ihrer skandinavischen Heimat. Von da aus fuhren wir zu mehreren Biotopen, wo wir unsere nächsten Key Spezies in Ruhe beobachten und auch filmen konnten. Erste Highlights waren dabei Beutelmeise beim Nestbau, Rothalstaucher beim Balztanz. Wir konnten Rotbauchunken hören, ohne Rolf’s Sachverstand hätten wir diese Geräusche niemals zuordnen können. Weitere Lokations ließen uns Ortolan, Schreiadler, Kleinspecht und Schwarzspecht beobachten. An einem unscheinbaren See mit Schilf konnten wir einige Bartmeisen beobachten, hörten den Balzruf vom Kleinen Sumpfhuhn und konnten tolle Aufnahmen von einem Rohrschwirl machen. Kraniche, Weißstörche, Fischadler und Seeadler rundeten diese tollen zwei Tage für uns ab. Wir können Rolf und seine Touren nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Thomas und Lars
Wir haben mit Rolf eine private 4-Tagestour in Berlin (Habichte) und der Uckermark (Schlagschwirl, Schreiadler, Zwergschnäpper, Trauerseeschwalben-Brutkolonie, Wachtelkönig etc.) unternommen um die Lebensräume kennenzulernen und einige Vogelarten zu beobachten. Rolf kennt Fauna, Flora und Geologie des Gebietes wie seine Westentasche und hat uns kompetent durch die Habitate geführt. Da er die Vogelstimmen sehr gut bestimmen kann, wussten wir sofort beim Betreten eines Gebietes welcher Vogel wo singt oder ruft und haben damit auch fast alle Zielarten gefunden und beobachtet. Fazit: Sehr interessante und lehrreiche Tour. Martin Rutz
Wir waren schlichtweg begeistert von der Tour und sie wird uns für immer in guter Erinnerung bleiben. Es war ein richtiger Augenöffner bzw. eine Tür in eine neue Welt – die der Vögel. Danke für dein Engagement, mit dem du fast 12 (!) Stunden begeistert bei der Sache geblieben bist! So sprang deine Begeisterung auf uns über und die Zeit verging wie im Fluge. Wir haben uns jetzt viele Vogelführer und -Apps besorgt und wollen auch in Zukunft bei Spaziergängen mit der Vogelkunde weitermachen. Wir werden dich jederzeit und von ganzem Herzen weiterempfehlen. Franzi & Meti aus Berlin
Our birding tour with Rolf was incredible. Although we live in Berlin, we never visited the Uckermarkt region – we got interested in birds recently and this was our first birding trip. We learned plenty, from how to use binoculars properly to recognising calls. Rolf’s enthusiasm is infectious, he’s got so many facts and anecdotes and listening to them is a pleasure. The day has gone by fast, we noted down 40 species of a vast variety – waders, raptors (including an eagle!) and songbirds. The colony of bee-eaters was an amazing sight, we did not expect birds this colourful in Brandenburg! We’d recommend this trip to anyone, and will certainly be doing this again!
Nasza wycieczka z Rolfem była niesamowita. Choć mieszkamy w Berlinie, nigdy wcześniej nie wybraliśmy do Uckermarkt – ptakami interesujemy się dopiero od niedawna i to była nasza pierwsza wyprawa. Bardzo dużo się nauczyliśmy, od poprawnego używania lornetki do rozpoznawania śpiewu. Entuzjazm Rolfa jest zaraźliwy, ma dużo do opowiedzenia i z przyjemnością się go słucha. Dzień minął nam bardzo szybko, odnotowaliśmy ponad 40 gatunków o sporej różnorodności – brodzące czaple, polujące orły i śpiewające trznadle. Cudnym widokiem była kolonia żołny, tak kolorowych ptaków nie spodziewaliśmy się w Brandenburgu! Wyprawa godna polecenia, na pewno wybierzemy się na nią ponownie! Karolina & Ryan
Ostseetour Februar 2022: Drei Tage Vogelbeobachtung im Februar an der Ostsee mit Rolf Nessing – das waren 3 Tage voller Highlights und spannender Erlebnisse. Zugegeben, das Wetter war nicht immer perfekt – es gab auch mal Regenschauer und kräftigen Wind, aber dafür konnten wir Arten beobachten, die sich an unseren Küsten nur im Winter sehen lassen. Da war u.a. ein Prachteiderenten-Männchen ganz in der Nähe, Tausende Bergenten, Samt- und Trauerenten konnten ausgiebig beobachtet werden. Eine Eiderente kämpfte mit einer großen, wehrhaften Krabbe – siegte und schluckte sie dann im Ganzen runter, eine andere Eiderente verspeiste genüsslich einen Fisch. Wunderschöne Eisenten waren von verschiedenen Seebrücken aus gut zu beobachten und zu fotografieren. Eine Familie Singschwäne erfreute uns genauso wie ein Trupp Schneeammern am Strand. Einige Strandpieper entfachten bei Sturm und starkem Regen in uns das Jagdfieber – schließlich wollten wir unbedingt ein Foto. Und auch so manch anderer Vogel wurde zu unserer Freude von Rolf entdeckt, der wie immer bei Touren mit ihm nie müde wurde, seine Begeisterung für die Vogelwelt und sein unglaubliches Wissen über Vögel und die Natur allgemein mit uns zu teilen. Vielen Dank für 3 unvergessliche Tage! Marlis und Achim Böttche sowie Erhard Hering
Thank you for guiding us on two excellent birding days in April 2022, one in Havelland and one in Uckermark. Both were excellent and yielded well over 80 bird species each day. In fact, we totalled 106 different species in all (plus two more upon our return to Berlin) as well as a weasel, several roe deer, a pair of nutria (also called beaver rats or coypu) and some mouflon (wild sheep). For us, the highlights were the numerous sightings of the majestic White-tailed Eagle, as well as Cranes, Osprey, Marsh Harriers, and Red and Black Kites along with our first ever sightings of Bearded Tit, Red-necked Grebe, White and Black Storks and of course the Great Bustards. In total we had 17 ‘lifers’ on the list and had a wonderful visit. Many thanks once again, Nick & Tanja Cooper
Thank you for the interesting days. We loved to be with you and we enjoyd your knowledge and enthousiasme! Johan and Helga, NL
Thanks again for a superb day of birding! As you know, I have severe problems with my hearing and my vision, but you made it so easy for me to see the birds! Even though I had seen a great many of the common birds before today, I was able to add quite a few new birds to my list – much more than I could have ever accomplished on my own in a single day! I don’t have the count yet, but I’m sure that nearly half of the 60 birds I logged were lifers for me. To top that off, you are good company – fun to be with and interesting to talk to. You’re certainly one of the very best birding guides I’ve ever met, and I hope I’ll have a chance to do a bigger trip with you one of these days! Rob Rachlin, Greensboro, NC, USA
Merci à Rolf pour cette journée dans le Land de Brandebourg. De nombreuses espèces vues, malgré le temps pas toujours de notre côté ! Nous avons visité différents milieux, étangs, bois, plaine agricole, mares… Grèbe jougris, Fauvette grisette, Bruant des roseaux, proyer, jaune, Pie-grièche écorcheur, Grue cendrée, de nombreux rapaces dont un Aigle pomarin (et une « Buse variable » en français s’il vous plaît !) Merci à Rolf pour sa disponibilité, sa sympathie, son expertise et ses partages d’anecdotes au cours de ses presque 50 ans de pratique. Pour un débutant comme moi, j’ai beaucoup appris, notamment sur l’identification des rapaces et des passereaux aquatiques. Rolf est un réel expert en son domaine, de plus c’est quelqu’un de vraiment sympa. A bientôt, Yann B., France
Our experience birding with Rolf was wonderful. He was very organized and set us up for success riding the public transit to meet him. His knowledge and passion for the environment and birds was contagious. His excitement when we saw a bird, and the knowledge he shared with us was great. He took us to diverse habitats and showed us many exciting species. It was an excellent experience. Ryan and Betsy, Arizona, USA
Acrylic painting of a long-eared owl by LAURA WOLF, seen during the tour with birdinBerlin and photographed by LAURA WOLF, USA.
Shruthi Krishnan
Questo è stato il primo tour di birdwatching cui mia moglie ed io abbiamo partecipato, Rolf lo ha reso assolutamente memorabile.
Abbiamo potuto ammirare molte specie nei diversi habitat che circondano Uckermark, grazie alla sua abilità e rapidità nell’individuarle con il telescopio. Inoltre, Rolf ci ha aiutato ad ascoltarne e distinguerne i canti, e spiegato le abitudini delle diverse specie. La comunicazione è stata fluida, e la sua conoscenza dei nomi scientifici, oltre che di quelli comuni in inglese ed altre lingue, ha evitato ogni confusione. Rolf ci ha anche parlato del territorio, raccontandoci di storia e costumi locali, oltre che delle piante ed animali (non solo uccelli) attorno a noi. È stato un giro meraviglioso e ci farebbe sicuramente piacere farci guidare ancora da lui! Edoardo Caspani
After the business part of my trip was completed, I had one day set aside for birding. What a pleasure and privilege to link up with Rolf for the Uckermark tour. Habitats between Prenzlau and Angermunde were explored with great results. This was my first trip as birder to Germany. The full experience included detailed instructions and train schedules from Rolf to our meeting place, transport for the day was safe and comfortable to all points of interest and the homebrew coffee supplied was excellent. The professional guiding with information sharing on all species was testimony of Rolf’s knowledge, both local and international. Also of interest to me was information on all the species already left for the warmer south (many of the wablers migrating to southern Africa comes from this area). I can recommend Rolf’s guiding unreservedly for all interested in Birding, this to me was amongst the top guiding experiences I had, and I have done many on various continents. The migrating species are now arriving in South Africa, (mid October) adding value to my experience just a week ago at their homegrounds up north. Renier Balt, George, Suid Afrika
Rolf het die bietjie tyd wat ek vir ontspan en voëlkyk gehad het, dubbel en dwars die moeite werd gemaak, ek beveel BIRDING BERLIN sterk aan. Renier Balt, George, Suid Afrika
Eind april zijn we de hele dag met Rolf op pad geweest in het Havelland. Rolf is een heel prettige en deskundige gids. We kwamen voor de kraanvogels en grote trappen, en die hebben we ook uitgebreid te zien gekregen. Omdat het hard waaide, waren de grote trappen niet voluit aan het baltsen (zoals Rolf zei: dan vallen ze om), maar we hebben wel een flink aantal mannetjes parmantig zien rondstappen. Een onvergetelijke ervaring. Daarnaast wist Rolf ook een nest buidelmezen te zitten, spotte hij onderweg een vroeg aangekomen ortolaan, zagen we o.a. visarenden, roodhalsfuten, hoppen, een zonnig paapje en overal zingende veldleeuweriken. In totaal hebben we zo’n 85 soorten gezien. We startten om 8 uur in ooievaarsdorp Linum (tip: overnacht in pension Adebar, lekker bed en super aardige mensen), waar Rolf ons aan het eind van de middag weer afzette. Op ons verzoek stopten we onderweg even bij een gezellig cafeetje voor een lekker stuk taart. Kortom: een perfecte dag met veel vogels, een paar ‘lifers’ en een heel goede gids! Annemarie, Utrecht